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Rasta Version 2 Nokia Themes for Nokia 5130 Xpress Music

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Rasta was the lowest of the low, the poorest of the poor, yet secure in his knowledge that his fight was a righteous one. How could a man love his neighbour, if he did not first love and accept himself? and what did it gain a man or woman to deny their blackness, when that could never be erased and when it was the image of JAH. At first, society resisted the idea of goodness, let alone greatness in Afrikan people, but as time went by Rasta showed no wavering in the doctrine, despite the horrendous toll that the society through its criminal Justice System inflicted upon anyone who dared to wear dreadlocks or appear to offer support to Rasta. Prepare to get this rasta version 2 nokia themes for nokia 5130 xpress music. With cool rasta icons. This skin can be use also in all nokia models.

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