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Ice Age is a 2002 American computer-animated film created by Blue Sky Studios and released by 20th Century Fox in 2002. It was directed by Carlos Saldanha and Chris Wedge from a story by Michael J. Wilson. The story follows three Paleolithicalmammals attempting to return a lost human baby to its parents. The film was originally to be directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, and produced in 2D by Fox Animation Studios, but the rise of CGI animation and the failure of Titan A.E. destroyed Fox's traditional animation division, hence Bluth and Goldman transferred their duties for Chris Wedge and Carlos Saldanha from Fox's CGI division Blue Sky. The film was met with both critical acclaim andbox office success, starting a series with two sequels, Ice Age: The Meltdown and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Get ready to get this funny anime nokia themes for nokia n95. This movie skin can be use also in all nokia models. With cool white transparent icons.
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