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The Expendables Version 6 Nokia Themes for Nokia N73

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The Expendables infiltrate Garza's compound. Christmas, Yang, Caesar, and Toll plant explosive charges throughout the site. When Garza has a change of heart after Munroe tortures his daughter and realized he had changed for the worst, Munroe kills him for his treachery, causing Garza's loyal men to think it was the Expendables who killed him and scatter in rage. The entire team fights and shoots their way through Garza's soldiers. Ross and Caesar manage to destroy the helicopter Munroe was to escape on. Christmas and Yang manage to kill The Brit while Toll kills Paine. Ross and Christmas catch up to Munroe and kill him, saving Sandra. Instead of taking the payment for the mission, Ross gives it to Sandra to restore Vilena. The team travels back to New Orleans and celebrate their victory at Tool's tattoo parlor, with the reformed and recovering Jensen. Christmas and Tool challenge each other to a game of knife throwing and Christmas recites a Limerick about his respect for Tool, before throwing the knife perfectly in the center of the board. Get ready to get this action movie the expendables version 6 nokia themes for nokia n73. This expendables skin can be use also in all nokia models. With black and white transparent combination icons.
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